How to Submit a File Claim in Facebook Settlement Status

5 min readApr 15, 2024


Learning how to submit a file claim in facebook settlement status. Facebook has become a part of our daily lives, connecting us with our loved ones and providing a platform for sharing our thoughts and experiences. However, over the years, it has faced numerous controversies related to privacy breaches and data mishandling. In response to these issues, Facebook has recently announced a $650 million settlement to end a class-action lawsuit filed against them. As a result, impacted users can now submit a claim to receive monetary compensation for the breach of their personal information. In this article, we will guide you through the process of filing a claim in Facebook Settlement Status in detail.

What is the Facebook Settlement Status?

In 2018, a data breach occurred, making personal information of almost 87 million Facebook users accessible to a UK-based political consultancy firm, Cambridge Analytica. As a result, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Facebook, which was settled for $650 million in 2020. The settlement amount will be distributed among the affected users who lived in the United States or its territories and were impacted by the data breach.

Why Should You File a Claim?

Filing a claim will not only help you receive monetary compensation, but it will also hold Facebook accountable for the mishandling of your personal information. Additionally, it will require Facebook to implement changes to their privacy policies to better protect user data in the future.

Who is Eligible to Participate?

According to the settlement, anyone in the United States who had a Facebook account between 2015 and 2019 is eligible to receive compensation. This includes individuals who:

Had their data harvested and used by third-party apps without their consent

Were affected by the Cambridge Analytica scandal, where personal information was collected and used for targeted political advertising

Were affected by the “View As” bug, where user data was potentially exposed to hackers

If you fit into any of these categories, you are eligible to submit a claim and receive compensation from the settlement fund.

Step-by-Step Guide to Submit a File Claim in Facebook Settlement Status:

Now, let’s get to the important part — how to submit a file claim in Facebook Settlement status.

1. Determine Your Eligibility

First and foremost, you need to check if you’re eligible to file a claim. To be eligible, you must be a US resident and have had a Facebook account between 2015 and 2019. Additionally, you must have had your personal information accessed or misused by third-party apps without your consent.

2. Gather Necessary Information

To submit a file claim, you’ll need to provide some important information. This includes your name, address, email address, and other identifying information. You’ll also need to provide proof that you were affected by the data breach, such as screenshots or emails from unauthorized third-party apps.

3. Visit the Settlement Website

Next, you’ll need to visit the official settlement website — This website is specifically designed for filing claims in the Facebook Settlement. Once you’re on the website, click on the “Submit a Claim” button to begin the process.

4. Fill Out the Claim Form

The claim form will ask for your personal information, as well as information about your Facebook account and the data breach. It’s important to be as accurate and specific as possible to ensure your claim is processed correctly. If you’re unsure about any questions, you can find more information on the website or contact the settlement administrator for assistance.

5. Submit Your Claim

After you’ve completed the claim form, review it for any errors and submit it. Keep in mind that you must submit your claim by November 23, 2020, to be eligible for compensation. Any claims submitted after this date will not be considered.

6. Wait for Approval

Once your claim is submitted, it will be reviewed by the settlement administrator. If your claim is approved, you will receive a payout based on the damages you suffered from the data breach. The exact amount of compensation will vary depending on the number of claims filed and how much each victim was affected.

Read Next: Pay Out Date and How to Check Facebook Settlement Status


Filing a claim in Facebook Settlement Status is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few easy steps. By filing a claim, you not only have a chance to receive monetary compensation but also contribute to making Facebook more accountable for protecting user data in the future. Make sure to keep a record of your claim number and periodically check the settlement website for updates on the claim distribution process.


What is the Facebook settlement lawsuit and who is eligible to participate?

The Facebook settlement lawsuit was filed by the FTC and 48 states against the social media giant for violating consumer protection and privacy laws. Anyone in the United States who had a Facebook account between 2015 and 2019 is eligible to receive compensation.

How do I submit a claim for the Facebook settlement?

To submit a claim, visit the official settlement website at and click on “File a Claim”. Provide your basic information, choose your claim category, and provide evidence of harm. Once submitted, you will receive a confirmation email with a claim number for your records.

What kind of evidence do I need to provide for my Facebook settlement claim?

In order to receive compensation, you must provide evidence of harm caused by the misuse of your data. This can include screenshots of your Facebook account, proof of unauthorised purchases made using your personal information, or any other evidence showing the impact of the data misuse.

How long does it take for a Facebook settlement claim to be reviewed?

The review process may take several months and you will be notified of the outcome via email. It is important to regularly check the official settlement website for updates on your claim.

What happens if my Facebook settlement claim is rejected?

If your claim is rejected, you can request a review by the court-appointed administrator and provide additional evidence to support your claim. If it is rejected again, you may file an appeal to the court within 30 days.

Is there a minimum compensation for Facebook settlement claims?

Yes, the minimum compensation for an approved claim is $200. However, the exact amount may vary depending on the number of eligible claims and the severity of the harm caused.




Jessica Heine is a full-fledged member of 𝗪𝗪𝗪.𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗭𝗦𝗢𝗙𝗧.𝗖𝗢𝗠, a professional blogging platform that provides interesting